
Convention Priority

Convention priority may be claimed and must be claimed on filing the application (giving date, country and number of the application whose priority is claimed). The priority term is six months. Within three months from filing the application for registration a priority document with Turkish translation must be filed, failing which the priority will be lost. Priority may also be claimed from a later application filed in the same country where a previous first application in respect of the same design was filed, provided that the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or refused without having become open to public inspection, and without leaving any rights therein outstanding; the previous application may then not anymore serve as a basis for a priority claim.

Persons not being a national of and not being domiciled or having a serious and effective industrial or commercial establishment within a Paris Convention member country may enjoy priority rights on the basis of reciprocity.

Exhibition priority

Persons being a national of or being domiciled or having a serious and effective industrial or commercial establishment in a Paris Convention member country, who have displayed products in which the design is incorporated or to which the design is applied at a national or international exhibition in Turkey or at an official or officially recognized international exhibition in a Paris Convention member country, may during six months from the first display of the products claim exhibition priority when filing a design application in Turkey. In case that the product has been displayed before the opening date of the exhibition, the six-month priority term shall run from first display. Also exhibition priority must be claimed on filing the application for registration. Evidence from the competent authorities of the exhibition, attesting the name of the product, the first display thereof and the opening date of the exhibition, and photographs clearly showing the entire product on display, must be furnished. Exhibition priority cannot extend the 6-month Convention priority term.